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The Life Story of Jasmine Hendricks

Jasmine is 34 years old and one of 6 children, she has 5 brothers. Her mother left the family when Jasmine was small and she went to live with her grandmother before being moved to Alexandra Hospital. She enjoys listening to music and watching television. She had some schooling at Bel Porto and Molenbeek schools in Cape Town where she learned how to write.

Jasmine tells her story...(in her own words)

Jasmine is originally from Parkwood. I lived with my ouma (grandmother). My ouma had a heart failure and she died while I was a small child. My ouma named Minah. The time she passed away I was in the bed with her, I shouted out loud and call her, and she didn't respond after that I cried. I knew that she died. I was at a teenage stage the time she passed away. My uncle named Toyah came to fetch me after my ouma's funeral I had to live with him. My uncle was living with his wife and his children.

My uncle's wife used to give me hiding and I was not happy with that. I spoke to my uncle that when he is not in the house my aunt is not treating me so well and I had to explain to my uncle all she did. My uncle spoke to one of the social workers to find a place for me to stay. The social worker came to speak to me that they got a place at Alexandra hospital.

I moved from my uncle's place to Alexandra hospital in Maitland. I have got five brothers. One of my eldest brothers used to come to visit me at Alexandra hospital. I was living in ward 17. It was not nice for me to experience a life in the hospital as I used to live with my ouma and my uncle. At hospital the food did not taste very nice. I was limited for my freedom; I was always in the ward. There were 10 people on the ward, it was very noisy.

Ever since I moved from the hospital to group homes my life has been changed. I enjoy waking up at the time that suits me. I am enjoying my new home named Includid group homes. I first lived at Rainbow house, then Broadway, Double Story, then I settled at Lighthouse. I go to bed with my own time. When it is cold I go to my own room and sleep. I enjoy my own privacy at Includid. At the beginning I came to includid I was not sharing a room, recently I had to share a room with Christine Genis. It is very nice to share a room with Christine, she understands me when I don't feel like talking and I also understand her. We first chat very nice before going to bed.

At home I help to cook food and cleaning. I have got my own chores to do at home. I also participate in planning the menu at home. I also decide for myself what I would like to do in my birthday. I am responsible to fold my own washing and pack nicely in my wardrobe.

The time that was my birthday I booked Dial-A-Ride for me and my friend Sally Koker and we paid for ourselves. I am enjoying going out on my birthdays, I go to KFC, it is very nice. Here at Includid I got a job to work at Employment Training for to gain working skills. At work I have my job responsibilities to do and I am learning new skills everyday. At first I worked in the garden, then the lavender group and now I do paper making. I cut large strips of paper into smaller pieces to make mulch. I am enjoying sharing a work desk with my boy friend named Jacque van Vureen. I wash cups after tea time and I am responsible for making tea.

At work I get pay every Fridays. I save my money at Administration to buy what I want. I saved for my cell phone and I bought new phone with my savings. My family and friends contact me on my phone.

Jasmine's video life story
Jasmine, telling us
her life story
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