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The Life Story of Karen Delight

Karen is 44 years old, she is one of 11 children. Karen works in the sewing group. She makes door stoppers, does beading and cuts the material for cushions. She is responsible for making the tea and coffee at break time. She also works in the papermaking project, cutting larger strips of paper and tearing them into smaller pieces to make mulch. Karen prefers sewing. She cleans the bathrooms in employment training as one of her duties.

Karen enjoys the literacy and work skills group. She is learning maths and how to write her name. she can't yet read but she would like to learn.

Karen is a member of the representation group which meets once a week to discuss all the issues in the group home and a member of the workgroups representation group. She has attended a self advocates programme run by the Western Cape forum for Intellectual Disability.

She also participates in the exercise programme run in the home early in the morning before work begins. Karen helps with dishing out the breakfast in the home and in the evening she helps to wash and dry up after meals.

Karen tells his story...
(in her own words)

When I was young my mom and I didn't fight we loved each other. I couldn't walk so my mom took me to hospital. I have 8 sisters and 2 brothers from Ocean View. My sisters didn't want to listen; they drink beer and have a little food. They don't worry about their babies only drinking. When I went home my dad spoke to them and told them they are going to get in trouble. I grew up with my aunty. I have a brother who lives in the nursing home at Alexandra, I don't know how old he is. I don't phone my brothers and sisters but sometimes they phone me. I do phone my aunty. I last talked to her a month ago.

I went to Lentegeur Hospital where I lived for a long time. I had my own room but I wasn't happy there. Life in the hospital was not nice. They punished us and told us when to eat or to go the rooms. I had a job in the hospital, I used to clean floors. I had friends in the hospital but I don't hear from those friends now.

After Lentegeur I moved to Includid. I first lived in Broadway. I didn't like it at Broadway; it was quiet so I moved to Double Storey. I'm very happy at Double Storey. I also used to live in Rainbow, but I didn't like it there either.

I can wash and dress myself and clean my teeth but I need help to go to the shops. I go to the shops with a support worker. I help to plan the menus in the house. I go food shopping at Shoprite.

I enjoy my work here. I have my own room and I clean my room myself. Galiema is my good friend.

I like sport. I would like to do running. I don't know what stops me from running.

My favourite food is chicken, I like the KFC.

Karen's video life story
Karen, telling us
her life story
Joy cooking in forrest house
Karen takes us through
her Wookbook
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